Main / Issues / Vol. 3, N 4 (2007) / Articles

О физико-химических явлениях, происходящих при технологическом старении дегтебетонных смесей

V. I. Bratchuna, D. V. Gulyaka, V. L. Bespalova, М. К. Pakterb, O. E. Samoylovab

a Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
b Ukrainian research institute of plastics

Annotation: There is studied the dynamics of aging of organic binders of the coal origin on the substrates characterized by a chemico-mineralogical composition and porosity (granite, limestone). There has been found out a contribution of the coal road tar into aging by a loss of evaporation mass, a surface sorption of a mineral material (MM) and diffusion into the MM capillary-porous space, aggregation and oxipolycondensation of organic binder components at thermostating for 200 hours at 100 0 С . Phase transformations of the second type and thermo-gravimetric characteristics of tar-binding and asphalt-binding substances were studied by the scanning calorimetry and TGJ methods.

Keywords: dynamics of aging, thermostating, organic binders, mineral material, tar-binding and asphalt-binding substances.

Pages: 189-196.


Link for citation: Bratchun, V. I.; Gulyak, D. V.; Bespalov, V. L. [et al.]. О физико-химических явлениях, происходящих при технологическом старении дегтебетонных смесей . – Text : electronic. – In: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction. – 2007. – Vol. 3, N 4. – Р. 189-196. – URL: (date of access: 16.09.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 3, N 4 (2007)
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture