Main / Issues / Vol. 5, N 2 (2009) / Articles

Results of stability monitiring of the fixed landship dangerous slope, located in Yourevka settlement, Donetsk region

N. O. Petrakova

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: Results of monitoring restraining structures on the territory “Locomotive”, located in Yourevka of Donetsk Region, witch took place in April, 2009 have been presented. Also conclusions concerning stability landslip slope have been given. Actuality of the problem the Sea of Azov (Donetsk Region) shoreline slopes.The reasons of the landship process in this region have been considered. The results of gation in Yourievka settlement and the state of restrained structures. And drainage system state have been suggested as complex measures to provide the given slope steadiness. Recommendations for the further operation against landslip combined structures have been given. The reasons of incorrect work of drainage system have been exposed and recommendations for their elimination have been given.

Keywords: restraining structures, landslip, slope, stability.

Pages: 93-97.


Link for citation: Petrakova, N. O. Results of stability monitiring of the fixed landship dangerous slope, located in Yourevka settlement, Donetsk region . – Text : electronic. – In: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction. – 2009. – Vol. 5, N 2. – Р. 93-97. – URL: (date of access: 16.09.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 5, N 2 (2009)
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture