Temperature Conditions of Production and Compactibility of Asphalt-Polymer Concrete Mixtures with a Complex-Modified Structure

V. I. BratchunDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureV. L. BespalovDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureD. V. GulyakDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureO. N. NarygnayaDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureV. V. GoryainovDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract: Asphalt polymer mixtures with a complex-modified microstructure are distinguished by increased workability and compaction in a wider temperature range (60…130 °C) compared to traditional hot asphalt concrete mixtures. This is facilitated by the thixotropic properties of the modified asphalt binder, the more developed adsorption-solvate layers of bitumen-polymer binder on the surface of mineral materials, and the flatter temperature and viscosity dependence of the asphalt binder. Complex modification of micro-, meso-and macrostructure of asphalt-concrete mixtures with ethylene glycidyl acrylate allows to significantly extend the temperature intervals of laying and compaction of concrete mixtures with organic binders, and thus extend the construction season and increase the range of mixtures, increase the durability of non-rigid pavements.

Keywords: complex-modified ethylene glycidyl acrylate asphalt-polymer-concrete mixture, temperature of mixture production, temperature range of compactibility.

Pages: 57-66.


For citation:
For citation: Bratchun, V. I.; Bespalov, V. L.; Gulyak, D. V. [et al.]. Temperature Conditions of Production and Compactibility of Asphalt-Polymer Concrete Mixtures with a Complex-Modified Structure. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Modern Industrial and Civil Construction</em>. – 2019. – Vol. 15, N 2. – Р. 57-66. – URL: https://donnasa.ru/publish_house/journals/spgs/2019-2/01_bratchun_bespalov_gulyak_narygnaya_goryainov.pdf (date of access: 22.12.2024). – ISSN 1993-3495.

Issue Cover
Vol. 15, N 2 (2019)
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture