Development of Methods for Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Constructions of Buildings and Structures for Temperature and Humidity Effect

V. I. Korsun

Peter the Great St. Peterburg Politechnik University

Annotation: The results of the analysis of the effect of high temperatures on the main regularities of the formation of stress-strain state of reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures are presented. The main possibilities and disadvantages of engineering methods for calculation of the specific characteristics of elements of reinforced concrete structures and a method for calculating using a nonlinear deformation model are presented. The possibilities and directions of further development of deformation models of reinforced concrete are considered in relation to normal and high-strength modified concretes in terms of taking into account the main specific properties of reinforced concrete – physical nonlinearity of deformation, long-term processes in concrete, work of reinforced concrete under conditions of non-uniaxial (one-, two-, triaxial) stressed states with cracks, nonuniformity of the properties of materials over the volume of the structure, the dependence of the characteristics of mechanical and rheological properties of concrete and reinforcement on the temperature and duration of heating, on the modes of force and temperature effects, on the scale factor.

Keywords: reinforced concrete structures, concrete, heating, mechanical and rheological properties, characteristics, calculation, engineering methods, deformation models, development.

Pages: 29-40.


Link for citation: Korsun, V. I. Development of Methods for Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Constructions of Buildings and Structures for Temperature and Humidity Effect. – Text : electronic. – In: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction. – 2021. – Vol. 17, N 1. – Р. 29-40. – URL: (date of access: 16.09.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 17, N 1 (2021)
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture