Main / Issues / Vol. 9, N 1 (2013) / Articles

Approach of the systems to decision of tasks on planning of productive programs that take into account intersystem copulas and realization of motion of material streams

I. A. Arutyunyan

Zaporizhzhya state engineering academy

Abstract: In the article a decision over of tasks is brought from organization and management of productive process. Adaptivity of building firm to the changes of environment – the phenomenon is many – sided. From the point of view of logistic of building the adaptivity of building firm shows up in ability of her productive vehicle and organizational structure quickly enough to reform under the changes of the market state of affairs. The logistic allows to decide tasks, that are based on principles of organization, planning and management. The basic criterion of building logistic is logistics. Possibilities of the logistic systems are localized in the basic link of economic activity of participants of building complex. Conception of logistic is the system of looks to the increase of efficiency of functioning of building firm on the basis of optimization of functional and informative processes. The problem of planning (choice) of placing and development of production (for example bases of line – up of industry) requires her decision taking into account intersystem connections that must represent all complex of problem functional questions and find embodiment in the offered economic-mathematical model.

Keywords: supplies, material flows, informative flows, organization, logistic, production.

Pages: 33-42.


Link for citation: Arutyunyan, I. A. Approach of the systems to decision of tasks on planning of productive programs that take into account intersystem copulas and realization of motion of material streams. – Text : electronic. – In: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction. – 2013. – Vol. 9, N 1. – Р. 33-42. – URL: (date of access: 18.10.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 9, N 1 (2013)
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture