The Mathematical Description of The Main Factors Influencing on the Formation of Suspended Sediment Layer in Desilter

V. I. NezdoyminovDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureV. I. ZyatinaDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureV. S. RozhkovDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureV. I. LesnoyDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract: The mathematical description of the process of forming of suspended mineralized bed of activated sludge at desilters has been given. A classification of the main zones of suspended layer desilter, having suspended bed of mineralized activated sludge has been done. We introduced the dimensionless scaling factor weighted height layer for different values of porosity weighted layer, introduced the concept of «imaginary» layer of activated sludge porosity, which can be determined experimentally by indirect parameters and by substituting the known dependence show adequate results of calculations. Obtained dependences are the theoretical basis for the subsequent experimental studies to obtain a semi-empirical relationships for floating sludge bed height, its porosity and carrying capacity of the desilters depending on the concentration and characteristics of the activated sludge inlet. The theoretical position can be applied not only to the active mineralized sludge, but for any of sewage sludge (primary, secondary, fermented, etc.).

Keywords: desilting, weighted layer of activated sludge, the height of the weighted layer, the porosity of suspended layer.

Pages: 51-58.


For citation:
For citation: Nezdoyminov, V. I.; Zyatina, V. I.; Rozhkov, V. S. [et al.]. The Mathematical Description of The Main Factors Influencing on the Formation of Suspended Sediment Layer in Desilter. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Modern Industrial and Civil Construction</em>. – 2016. – Vol. 12, N 2. – Р. 51-58. – URL: (date of access: 07.03.2025). – ISSN 1993-3495.

Issue Cover
Vol. 12, N 2 (2016)
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture