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Online Media of DONNACEA

The publishing house of DonNACEA publishes 4 network scientific periodicals: «Metal Constructions» journal, «Modern Industrial and Civil Construction» journal, журнал «Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy» and journal Proceeding of the DonNACEA. All pariodicals are registered as mass media in Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) and are included into HAC list of Ministry of Education and Science of DPR.

Journals «Metal Constructions», «Modern Industrial and Civil Construction» and «Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy» issued frequency is 4 issues per year. Proceeding of the DonNACEA issued frequency is 6 issues per year.

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Metal Constructions
Network scientific periodical «Metal Constructions» issued for public scientific research results in the field of research, designing, manufacturing, construction, operation, reliability, engineering diagnostics, standardization and certification and other problem connected with structural metalworks.
Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Network scientific periodical «Modern Industrial and Civil Construction» issued for public scientific research results in the field of latest achievements in civil engineering, industrial construction, architecture and environment.
Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Network scientific periodical «Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy» issued for public scientific research results in the field of economy of civil engineering and municipal services, familiarization of readers with the latest achievements in the industries, the permanent monitoring of the economic and social bases of their development.
Proceeding of the DonNACEA
Network scientific periodical «Proceeding of the DonNACEA» issued for public scientific research results in the field of latest achievements in civil engineering, industrial construction, architecture and environment.

Full-text articles are published on the journals’s websites in the “Issues” section. Publish house have agreements for all journals with the Russian information and analytical system – Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI). Articles of DonNACEA network periodicals are published in the RSCI in full-text.

«Metal Constructions», «Modern Industrial and Civil Construction» and «Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy» journals are formatted in accordance with the requirements of the citation index. Information about these periodicals is placed to the UlrichsWeb database, annually placed to the IndexCopernicus database. Annotations of articles are placed to the international database of construction ICONDA. Indexed by the scientific search engine Google Scholar.