Main / Notes for authors / Procedure for sending, reviewing and publish articles

Procedure for sending, reviewing and publish articles

  1. Articles are accepted for consideration in strict compliance with the requirements for the original author’s articles and the availability of all accompanying documents (article, abstract, declaration statement, author’s certificates, on electronic media: the text of the article, abstract, author’s references).
  2. Articles are sent to the editorial office of the journal by e-mail to: The originals of all necessary documents are sent to the address: 286123, Russian Federation, DPR, Makeyevka, Derzhavin str., 2, editorial office of the journal “Modern Industrial and Civil Construction”.
  3. The executive editor of the journal notifies the authors of the receipt of the article and documents by e-mail within 7 days and sends the article to the Editorial Board.
  4. The Editorial Board determines the compliance of the article with the profile of the journal, the design requirements and sends it for review to a specialist, doctor or candidate of sciences who has the scientific specialization closest to the topic of the article. The reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the reviewed manuscript.
  5. All incoming materials of articles are examined and reviewed by specialists in the relevant field of knowledge for expert evaluation, confirmation of accuracy, reliability, objectivity and novelty. All reviewers are reputable experts in their field and have published on the subject of peer-reviewed materials over the past 3 years. The reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.
  6. The correspondence of the editorial board with the author’s team is usually conducted with the first author on the list, unless otherwise indicated by the authors.
  7. The review is carried out anonymously: the reviewers do not know the name of the author(s) of the received article, the author does not know the name of the appointed reviewer. The reviewer must review the manuscript of the scientific article within two weeks of receipt.
  8. The editorial board recommends using the standard form sent to the reviewer along with the article when reviewing.

    When preparing a review, the expert pays attention to the relevance of the scientific problem being solved by the author and the presence of scientific novelty in the material. The author’s references to the research results of other scientists are taken into account as a reflection of the degree of knowledge of this problem.

    The review should characterize the theoretical and (or) applied significance of the research.

    A necessary element of the review is the reviewer’s assessment of the personal contribution of the author(s) of the article to the solution of the issues under consideration. The review also notes the correspondence of style and logic to the requirements of the scientific style of presentation, and also gives a conclusion on the reliability and validity of the conclusions (the representativeness of the practical material involved in the analysis is assessed, the degree of illustrativeness of the examples, tables, quantitative data provided by the author, etc.).

    During the review process, the reviewer can make his comments, recommendations, and suggest his edits directly to the article. After that, the text of the article is agreed with the author(s).

    The review complete with a general assessment of the manuscript of the article and the reviewer’s recommendation for publication in the Journal: “Recommended for publication”, “Recommended for publication after revision, or taking into account the revision of comments after repeated review”, “The article is not recommended for publication”. Upon receipt of a positive review, the article is published in the order of general priority.
  9. If the reviewer does not recommend the manuscript of the article for publication, the review indicates the specific reasons for such a decision with a clear statement of the shortcomings identified in the article. If the review contains recommendations for correcting and finalizing the material, the editorial office sends the author an electronic review in .pdf format (without specifying the surname, first name, patronymic, position, place of work of the reviewer) with a proposal to take into account the recommendations when preparing a new version of the manuscript of the article.

    The revised manuscript of the article is submitted by the author to the editorial office, reviewed in a general manner and sent for consideration to the editorial board of the Journal. The editorial board sends the authors of the submitted materials copies of the reviews or a reasoned refusal to publish in case of receiving a negative review.
  10. The presence of a positive review is not a sufficient reason for the publication of the article. The final decision on the expediency of publication is made by the Editorial Board.
  11. Changes in the text on significant issues are made only by the authors with the approval of the corrected text. Minor editorial changes in order to correct grammatical and lexical errors, or to improve the perception of the text, may be made by the Editorial Board.
  12. At Journal “Modern Industrial and Civil Construction” has adopted a limit on the possible number of articles by one author in one issue of the journal – up to one article individually and two articles co-authored.
  13. All materials received by the editorial office must be checked in the Anti-Plagiarism system. The minimum threshold for the originality of the text accepted for review is 75%. In case of non-compliance, the verification protocol is sent to the author to bring the text in line with this requirement.
  14. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on whether or not to include the manuscript of the article in the issue, based on the recommendations of the reviewers and the scientific value of the work. The editorial board informs the author of the decision of the Editorial Board.
  15. The editorial office of the journal sends copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request to the editorial office of the journal.
  16. Reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the reviewed scientific journal for five years. The Editorial Board does not keep manuscripts that have not been accepted for publication.