Main / Issues / Vol. 6, N4 (2010) / Articles

Analysis features of internal combustion engine with large relative bias of crank mechanism

A. V. Martynuk

Close company «Makeyevka Metallurgical Works»

Annotation: In the field of development and improvement of motor-car engines, the primary tasks are the increase of fuel profitability, which can be reached by the increase of operation period efficiency of the cycle, reduction of the specific mass of the engines, the cost of their production, etc. The toxic products of engines effluent into the air control is at the principally new level as well as the problems of noise reduction and vibration in the operational process. In the result of theoretical analyses founded on the analytical dependency of kinematics and balancing of crank mechanism with large offset of the equations of the thermodynamic processes of the cycle and regularities of the combustion process, the given paper has shown the correlation of the analysis considering the effect of the offset on the indicator indices and the inertial force balance in such kind of the engine.

Keywords: internal combustion engine, crank mechanism, offset, speed, piston acceleration, cycle, combustion rate, efficiency.

Pages: 207-215.


Link for citation: Martynuk, A. V. Analysis features of internal combustion engine with large relative bias of crank mechanism. – Text : electronic. – In: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction. – 2010. – Vol. 6, N4. – Р. 207-215. – URL: (date of access: 16.09.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 6, N4 (2010)
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture