Technological Hot and Cast Road Asphalt Mixes
Abstract: Based on the methodology of the system analysis of the proposed physical and chemical models of modified asphalt binders and asphalt concretes using an experimental and statistical description, new science-based technological solutions have been developed and implemented for obtaining complex-modified hot and cast asphalt-polymer-sulfur concrete mixtures for the installation and maintenance of non-rigid pavement pavements of highways increased durability, capable of withstanding rutting, fatigue failure, crack resistance and thermal oxidation, as a result of the complex modification of petroleum road bitumen with butadiene methylstyrene rubber SKMS-30 together with technical sulfur and the formation of a spatial polymer network in the organic binder. Hot asphalt polymer concrete with complex modified microstructures of optimal compositions is characterized by the following quality indicators: compressive strength, MPa at 0 °С R0 = 8...10, at 20 °С R20 = 5,0...6,5, at 75 °С R75 = 1,2...1,4; swelling, % of volume – 0; water saturation, % of the volume 1,5...2,0. Cast asphalt polymer-sulfur concretes are characterized by increased shear resistance at high positive operating temperatures (conditional Marshall stiffness at 60 °C 23,1 kN), long-term water resistance coefficient (90 days), Kvd=0,89, frost resistance coefficient after 100 cycles of alternating freezing thawing F = 0,85, coefficient of thermal aging after 2 000 hours of heating in the climatic chamber IP-1 at a temperature of 75 °C and ultraviolet irradiation, Kst = 1,27. Technologies for the production, laying and compaction of hot asphalt-polymer-sulphur-concrete mixtures have been developed.
Keywords: complex-modified butadienemethylstyrene rubber SKMS-30 and technical sulfur hot and cast asphalt-polymer-sulphur-concrete mixtures, optimal temperatures for the production, laying and compaction of hot asphalt-polymer-sulphur-concrete mixtures.
Pages: 95-108.
For citation:
For citation: Bratchun, V. I.; Bespalov, V. L.; Pshenichnykh, O. A. [et al.]. Technological Hot and Cast Road Asphalt Mixes. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Modern Industrial and Civil Construction</em>. – 2022. – Vol. 18, N 3. – Р. 95-108. – URL: (date of access: 07.03.2025). – ISSN 1993-3495.

Vol. 18, N 3 (2022)
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: Modern Industrial and Civil Construction
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture